It's here... a site to collect all the Megatokyo Fight Club comics and relevant art onto a single site, for easy browsing. If you haven't already, you should definitely check out the forum itself for more info about what you're reading - this is more a storage space for the various FC comics than a comprehensive site about them. There's a link to the relevant thread underneath every page of each fight.

Link: the official MTFC page by Hirameki, currently holding character descriptions of many of the fighters.
Link: the newbie guide to Fight Club.

In Progress (28 pages) In Progress (11 pages)

In Progress (6 pages) In Progress (4 pages)

In Progress (3 pages) In Progress (2 pages)

Intro (8 pages) Intro (5 pages)

Intro (3 pages)

And, of course, the hentai monster comic by Wolfe4444.


Email the webmaster, randomnine, here, or just leave something on the MT Art and Drawing forums.